The Buried Alive Tour is officially over. Black Veil Brides are now going their separate ways for their break. CC is currently going back to LA to see his family, Jinxx is currently back falling in love again with his fiance, Sammi in LA, Ashley is currently back in LA and is, well, being Ashley, (A party-craving animal) Jake is currently getting ready to fly to London to see his girlfriend, Ella, and Andy is currently in LA with his girlfriend, Juliet. How do I know all of their shenanigans? well, duh. Twitter! I'll give you the links.!/AndyBVB
Monday, December 19, 2011
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
For some time now in a small farm, the farmer was selling puppies just several weeks after his dog gave birth to them. The puppies were placed in a box outside of his market where he sells his produce. One day, a family drove to the market to buy some bell peppers. It was a family of three: a mom, a dad and a son that was about eight or nine. While his parents were shopping, the boy got bored and wandered around the small, tented area. He soon found the box of puppies.
"Oh my gosh! Puppies!" the boy yelped with joy.
The farmer found the boy laughing and ruffling the puppies' hair and told him, "These puppies are free, you know."
"Oh boy! Are they?" The boy asked the farmer with excitement.
"They sure are. which one do you want?"
The boy quickly scooped up a puppy from a box, which looked like it had a broken leg. "I want this one!"
"Oh no, you don't want that one, boy. that one is a runt. It's leg has been broken like that ever since it was born. You wouldn't be able to give it walks or play ball with it."
The boy set the puppy back in the box and pulled up both of his pant legs. The boy's legs have leg braces on them. "I'm guessing we're both runts, then," he said.
The farmer doesn't know what to say. He called for the parents and talked about the puppy and about how it was born with a disabled leg. The parents then told him how the boy was also born with disabled legs. In the end, the family ended up with bell peppers to make stuffed bell peppers with and a new, special friend.
"Oh my gosh! Puppies!" the boy yelped with joy.
The farmer found the boy laughing and ruffling the puppies' hair and told him, "These puppies are free, you know."
"Oh boy! Are they?" The boy asked the farmer with excitement.
"They sure are. which one do you want?"
The boy quickly scooped up a puppy from a box, which looked like it had a broken leg. "I want this one!"
"Oh no, you don't want that one, boy. that one is a runt. It's leg has been broken like that ever since it was born. You wouldn't be able to give it walks or play ball with it."
The boy set the puppy back in the box and pulled up both of his pant legs. The boy's legs have leg braces on them. "I'm guessing we're both runts, then," he said.
The farmer doesn't know what to say. He called for the parents and talked about the puppy and about how it was born with a disabled leg. The parents then told him how the boy was also born with disabled legs. In the end, the family ended up with bell peppers to make stuffed bell peppers with and a new, special friend.
Monday, November 28, 2011
The Buried Alive Tour
Ok, this has been a while since it has been running but this tour, the Buried Alive Tour, is what Black Veil Brides is currently running in with Avenged Sevenfold, (the headlining band in this tour) Asking Alexandria and Hollywood Undead. Here are the past/future dates of the tour:
11/23 Ft. Meyers, FL Germain Arena
11/25 Jacksonville, FL Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Arena
11/26 Augusta, GA James Brown Arena
11/28 Huntsville, AL Von Braun Center
11/29 Pikeville, KY East Kentucky Expo Center
11/30 Ft. Wayne, IN Allen County War Memorial
12/02 Madison, WI Alliant Energy Center *
12/03 Minneapolis, MN Target Center
12/06 Green Bay, WI Resch Center
12/07 Duluth, MN Amsoil Arena
12/09 Grand Forks, ND Alerus Center
12/10 Bismarck, ND Bismarck Civic Center
12/12 Billings, MT Metra Park Arena
12/13 Missoula, MT Adams Center
12/14 Yakima, WA Sun Dome
• * denotes show without Hollywood Undead
11/23 Ft. Meyers, FL Germain Arena
11/25 Jacksonville, FL Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Arena
11/26 Augusta, GA James Brown Arena
11/28 Huntsville, AL Von Braun Center
11/29 Pikeville, KY East Kentucky Expo Center
11/30 Ft. Wayne, IN Allen County War Memorial
12/02 Madison, WI Alliant Energy Center *
12/03 Minneapolis, MN Target Center
12/06 Green Bay, WI Resch Center
12/07 Duluth, MN Amsoil Arena
12/09 Grand Forks, ND Alerus Center
12/10 Bismarck, ND Bismarck Civic Center
12/12 Billings, MT Metra Park Arena
12/13 Missoula, MT Adams Center
12/14 Yakima, WA Sun Dome
• * denotes show without Hollywood Undead
Friday, November 18, 2011
Black Veil Brides: The Legacy
For those who still don't know who Black Veil Brides are, then here's a little more of who they are. This time: It's their own music! Enjoy!
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Suicide, the act of intentionally killing oneself, has been recorded historically since the
middle ages. In some countries, suicide is treated as a crime, while in other countries,
suicide is regarded as a means of atonement for one’s failure. An estimated one million
people commit suicide every year worldwide. Suicide is a leading cause of death among
teenagers and people older than 35. More women try; more men succeed. More humans
die from suicide a year than from cancer, heart disease, AIDS, birth defects, stroke,
pneumonia, influenza and chronic lung disease combined. The different ways of
committing suicide are breaking ones own bones, hanging oneself, cutting or stabbing
oneself, jumping in front of a moving vehicle or off of a high place, overdose on drugs or
alcohol, poisoning oneself, shooting oneself with a firearm, starving oneself, etc..
There were 3,611 suicide deaths in Canada in 2007. It was the tenth leading cause
of death in the country, more than car crashes and homicides combined.
“We go to at least one suicide attempt every single day,” says George Eliadis, duty
officer for Toronto EMS.
For every suicide death there are 25 attempts, according to the Canadian
Association for Suicide Prevention—based on the 2007 figure, that’s 90,000.
Also, suicide is the third leading cause of death for young people in America and
accounts for 4,500 lives lost every year in the country. According to the American
suicide attempt every year.
Psychologist Norman Weissberg, director of training at Contact Greater
often the last to know when their children have suicidal thoughts. “It is the nature of
adolescents to keep secrets, especially from their parents,” he said.
Psychological autopsies—post-suicide studies of family and peers—reveal that
young people are more likely to confide to their friends. Their confidants tend to believe
that sharing that information would be a betrayal. They need to learn, says David Shaffer,
professor of psychiatry and pediatrics at Columbia university, that telling an adult would
be a compassionate act that could save a life.
“There is some kind of trigger—a romantic disruption, an arrest, an argument
with parents, a failed test in school, relentless bullying—that might precipitate a suicide,”
says Benjamin Shain, head of the division of child and adolescent psychiatry at the
northshore university health system in Evanston , Ill. .
Parents are advised to look for images in behavior or attitude: a pleasant child
who becomes surly, a teenager who begins hallucinating or injuring himself or herself by
cutting or burning. Aggressive behavior can be a warning. So can verbal hints, such as ‘I
won’t be a problem for you much longer.’ Giving away favorite possessions may be a
clue. And look out for the child who becomes suddenly cheerful after a period of
depression. He/She may be more at peace because he/she has figured a way out.
The CDC study from Los Angeles , California identified risk factors for suicides:
frequent family moves, attending multiple schools and living with different parental
figures. There are protective factors as well, suicide experts say, such as strong
connections to a caring adult, whether a parent, teacher or coach, and a sense of
belonging to one’s community. “The stronger the connections are, the lower the risk,”
said David Litts, director of science and policy at the federally funded national suicide
prevention resource center.
Suicide is a huge issue. If you notice any symptoms in a child or adolescent,
contact someone immediately.
Finding Help, Helping Others Get Assistance
Feeling Blue
Suicide Prevention Council
Survivors Of Suicide
American Foundation For Suicide Prevention
Bull Runner
This is my first time in Spain .
My parents got divorced back in February and now, in April, me and my mom are moving to Madrid , Spain . As a 14 year old outcast in prison, (oops I meant school) I was glad to be moving somewhere far away from that discriminating place. Seaside , Oregon was never that great either. It had all of these daily festivals and all of the popular kids at school hang out at the local mall, the candy shops and the beach after school. That place is crawling with happiness!
Me and my mom put our luggage in the trunk of a taxi and sat in silence the entire way to the airport. My mother can be pretty self-centered. She always talks about how great her cooking is, (which is totally false) how great her singing and dancing is (her singing explodes my eardrums and the last time she was ‘dancing’, I got a black eye and a swollen, black bump on my shin) and how great her love life is. (YOU GOT DIVORCED MOM!) She hardly ever asks how my days went which were, of course, terrible. I honestly have depression and no matter how much I beg, she never took me to a therapist because she thought I didn’t need it, so I always talk to my counselor, Ms. Carrey, whenever I feel down.
As soon as we stopped in front of the entrance of the airport, my mom jumped out of the taxi and grabbed our stuff. I got out as slowly as I possibly could just to tick her off but mom grabbed my arm and we bolted into the building. That’s another thing about my mom: she has OCD whenever it comes to time. Even though we’re always early, to her it feels like the world’s about to explode if she doesn’t hurry. She freaks out even more when she’s with another person.
You know what I hate whenever I have to go through airport security? Not only do they want all electronics and metals through the X-ray, they also want you to take off your shoes and sometimes they have to feel you just in case you’re hiding anything. It’s so disturbing and violating! It feels like you have to strip completely just so they can do some ‘inspections’. It’s like they’re ‘security guards’ for ‘logical’ reasons.
Right after the most awkward moment of life, I quickly grabbed my stuff and ran up to my mom whom was sprinting. I slipped my shoes on as I ran and I put my phone back in my pocket. I caught up with my mom and we were sprinting down the halls to find our gate. It was gate 1H, a flight to New York which was connected to the main flight to Madrid .
Even though we were almost an hour early, our plane got there at least five minutes after we arrived. As I sat down in my seat, I sort of panicked a little. I have a little phobia of heights, but I was getting used to it by swinging on a swing everyday after school and on the weekends. But this is not a playground swing. This is an airplane sending me thousands of feet high into the air to New York and Madrid , which was even scarier since the Madrid plane was going overseas. God this was going to suck.
During the New York flight, a family sitting right behind me keeps on yapping through the whole flight. Thanks to them, I learned new ways on how to shave your beard. I lost count at number 8: If you have terrible sideburns, gently use a potato peeler. Great. I totally didn’t need to throw up at that instant.
The Madrid flight wasn’t as good but the annoyingly disgusting family wasn’t planning on flying to Spain thank god. It wasn’t as thrilling because of my height phobia, the flight attendants spoke Spanish so I couldn’t understand a word they said and once they finally gave me what I wanted which was fancy Spain water, it tasted like a donkey took a huge dump on a hobo and a pregnant cat decided to have her litter on it. I ran to the bathroom and threw away the water and I threw up in the toilet. Poor toilet. I wonder if it could come to life and shout “NO MORE! I CAN’T TAKE IT ANYMORE!” ran out of the bathroom, opened the emergency door and jumped out, saying sayonara to life.
After 15+ dreadful hours of flying, the plane finally made it to the airport in Madrid . Finding my luggage was surprisingly quite easy for me and mom since mom can speak and read Spanish. (WITHOUT TELLING ME!) Finding a taxi wasn’t really hard either. They were all white cars with one red diagonal stripe across the car. And besides, they were all over the place so it wasn’t hard to get an untaken one either.
Me and mom crammed our luggage into the trunk of our taxi from the airport driveway and got in. Mom told the driver in Spanish where we needed to go. The driver nodded and slowly pulled out of the driveway. Me and mom sat in silence once more, waiting for the first person to speak. I didn’t talk at all and stared out of my window.
After the first ten minutes of driving, our taxi got caught in traffic with tons of honking and people yelling in Spanish, then distant blood curdling screams, crying and objects sounds of metal getting crushed and smashed a second later. I rolled down my window and stuck my head out to see what’s going on. Out of the blue, a huge bull came running down the street and jumped on one of the cars ahead. It kept on jumping from car to car, crushing innocent bodies, getting closer and closer to ours. I heard my mom scream and saw her and the driver escape the taxi, leaving me alone.
What I remember next was my body being crushed and seeing a bright light flash before my eyes.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
For Those Who Don't Know...
For those who don't know who Black Veil Brides is, read this blog now and you'll never regret reading it!
Black Veil Brides is a rock and roll band that was started in 2005. The current members are Andy "Six" Biersack, Ashley Purdy, Jeremy "Jinxx" Ferguson, Christian "CC" Coma and Jake Pitts.
Andy "Six" Biersack

Andy "Six" Biersack is the lead singer/founder of Black Veil Brides. He was born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin though due to bullying, he and his family moved to Cincinnati, Ohio then later moved to Hollywood, California to pursue his music career. At the age of 15, he started his band which was first off titled Biersack. But later on, inspired from real black veil brides, or the ritual of a woman marrying into the church and becoming a nun, he then titled the band Black Veil Brides. He was inspired by the ritual because when the woman marries into the church, she gives up all of the cardinal pleasures of life for God and Jesus. The title Black Veil Brides suits Andy's persona because he is giving up almost everything for his passion for rock and roll. Andy currently has a girlfriend named Juliette Moore, vocalist/guitarist of Automatic Loveletter.
Ashley Purdy
Ashley Purdy is the bassist/back up vocalist of Black Veil Brides. He was born in St. Louis, Missouri then later moved to Hollywood, California to pursue his music career. While growing up in St. Louis, he was surrounded by music and the arts which drove him down that path. He was an experienced, yet unprofessional, clothing/interior designer and in Black Veil Brides, he made designs for merchandise and bandanas, as you can see on his head in the picture. When he was in Hollywood, Ashley met Andy and they started talking about Andy's band Black Veil Brides and how they want the band to give out a never giving in message to the teenage outcasts in the country, and possibly the whole world. If he did not agree with Andy's vision of his band, you may have never seen Ashley rocking this world, one step at a time.
Jeremy "Jinxx" Ferguson
Jeremy "Jinxx" Ferguson is the rhythm guitarist/violinist/back up vocalist of Black Veil Brides. He was born in Des Moines, Iowa then later moved to Hollywood, California to pursue his music career. During the 90's, when the 80's rock and roll boulder became a pebble, Jinxx got tired of the 90's 'rock and roll' and turned to classical music and played the violin. At school, kids used to bully him and beat him up for not liking and/or playing 90's rock songs from bands like Nirvana, Pearl Jam or Sound Garden. Instead, he stuck to the good old 80's rock bands like Motley Crue and Kiss. In 2008, while in Hollywood, he had a girlfriend named Sammi Doll, keyboardist/back up vocalist of My Satellite. In the spring of 2011, he proposed to Sammi. They are currently engaged and planning the wedding, which has no official date.
Christian "CC" Coma
Christian "CC" Coma is the drummer/percussionist of Black Veil Brides. He was born in Los Angeles, California and stayed put to pursue his music career. He is the newest member of the band, as of joining in 2010 after the former drummer, Sandra Alvarenga, left and joined Modern Day Escape. He first played drums when he was little and started to really get into playing drums when he was 17. When he was in school, CC joined the jazz ensembles and other bands outside of school.
Jake Pitts
Jake Pitts is the lead guitarist of Black Veil Brides. He was born in Minneapolis/St. Peters, Minnesota then later moved to Hollywood, California to pursue his music career. Inspired by Metallica and his mom, Jake has been playing guitar for 12+ years and he was in his first band at age 15. He currently has a girlfriend named Ella Cole, a British model.
For those who know Black Veil Brides, I'm sorry if I got the information wrong and/or there wasn't any information you wanted to know about your favorite member. This is all I know about the band.
Black Veil Brides is a rock and roll band that was started in 2005. The current members are Andy "Six" Biersack, Ashley Purdy, Jeremy "Jinxx" Ferguson, Christian "CC" Coma and Jake Pitts.
Andy "Six" Biersack

Andy "Six" Biersack is the lead singer/founder of Black Veil Brides. He was born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin though due to bullying, he and his family moved to Cincinnati, Ohio then later moved to Hollywood, California to pursue his music career. At the age of 15, he started his band which was first off titled Biersack. But later on, inspired from real black veil brides, or the ritual of a woman marrying into the church and becoming a nun, he then titled the band Black Veil Brides. He was inspired by the ritual because when the woman marries into the church, she gives up all of the cardinal pleasures of life for God and Jesus. The title Black Veil Brides suits Andy's persona because he is giving up almost everything for his passion for rock and roll. Andy currently has a girlfriend named Juliette Moore, vocalist/guitarist of Automatic Loveletter.
Ashley Purdy
Ashley Purdy is the bassist/back up vocalist of Black Veil Brides. He was born in St. Louis, Missouri then later moved to Hollywood, California to pursue his music career. While growing up in St. Louis, he was surrounded by music and the arts which drove him down that path. He was an experienced, yet unprofessional, clothing/interior designer and in Black Veil Brides, he made designs for merchandise and bandanas, as you can see on his head in the picture. When he was in Hollywood, Ashley met Andy and they started talking about Andy's band Black Veil Brides and how they want the band to give out a never giving in message to the teenage outcasts in the country, and possibly the whole world. If he did not agree with Andy's vision of his band, you may have never seen Ashley rocking this world, one step at a time.
Jeremy "Jinxx" Ferguson
Jeremy "Jinxx" Ferguson is the rhythm guitarist/violinist/back up vocalist of Black Veil Brides. He was born in Des Moines, Iowa then later moved to Hollywood, California to pursue his music career. During the 90's, when the 80's rock and roll boulder became a pebble, Jinxx got tired of the 90's 'rock and roll' and turned to classical music and played the violin. At school, kids used to bully him and beat him up for not liking and/or playing 90's rock songs from bands like Nirvana, Pearl Jam or Sound Garden. Instead, he stuck to the good old 80's rock bands like Motley Crue and Kiss. In 2008, while in Hollywood, he had a girlfriend named Sammi Doll, keyboardist/back up vocalist of My Satellite. In the spring of 2011, he proposed to Sammi. They are currently engaged and planning the wedding, which has no official date.
Christian "CC" Coma
Christian "CC" Coma is the drummer/percussionist of Black Veil Brides. He was born in Los Angeles, California and stayed put to pursue his music career. He is the newest member of the band, as of joining in 2010 after the former drummer, Sandra Alvarenga, left and joined Modern Day Escape. He first played drums when he was little and started to really get into playing drums when he was 17. When he was in school, CC joined the jazz ensembles and other bands outside of school.
Jake Pitts
Jake Pitts is the lead guitarist of Black Veil Brides. He was born in Minneapolis/St. Peters, Minnesota then later moved to Hollywood, California to pursue his music career. Inspired by Metallica and his mom, Jake has been playing guitar for 12+ years and he was in his first band at age 15. He currently has a girlfriend named Ella Cole, a British model.
For those who know Black Veil Brides, I'm sorry if I got the information wrong and/or there wasn't any information you wanted to know about your favorite member. This is all I know about the band.
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